Tuesday, June 24, 2008



sekarang semua orang sibuk...
tahun ni...semua orang diperlukan..
semua org kena gerak..kena naik tram..kena masak..kena teman orang..kena beramah mesra dgn orang... soalan2 spt 'nama siapa ye? kos apa? uni mana? asal mana?'
istilah taaruf..sudah terlalu acapkali diperkatakan..
jumpa orang new zealand..new castle..sydney..brisbane..tazmania...adelaide..org ireland ada juga.. semuanya berkumpul di melbourne..alhamdulillah..
sebagai tuan rumah..kami alu2kankedatangan anda... =)

nnt after semua dah selesai..baru taip pjg2 and letak pic2 lah eh.

ingin re-iterate kata2 kak finaz..
"mujahadah itu akan berakhir dgn kepenatan andai bermula dgn langkah yg salah" <-- not exactly..but sort of la... =)

so..betulkan niat kawan2.... (terutama diri) =)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

saya dah habis exam!

Assalamualaikum sahabat2 sekalian...

sy dan aisyah dah habis exam niee.... =) (walaupun ada org yg takde exam kat cni.ehe)

saje nk gtaw. hih.

Monday, June 16, 2008


15 Jun 2008
semalam aku merajinkan diri ke Ballieu library..
dalam mindaku...stay hingga library tutup..(9mlm sbb ahad)

kemudian..sahabatku muna beritahu nanti ada talk by yusuf estes lagi. '
'oh ada lagi? tajuk yg sama spt semalamnya ke?' 'oh tak..tajuk lain..why west needs islam..nk pegi tak?' ' mcm best..tp habis kul bape ye? byk lagi tak cover ni' ' mention habis kul 930mlm tp semalam habis lewat' 'oh...umm..oklah..nk dgr lah..sbb td pagi muna citer mcm best.'

dlm hati...alhamdulillah....ya Allah..kau maha mengetahui. menyesal rasa hati bila dgr muna bercerita pg td ttg ke'best'an talk yg disampaikan semalamnya. alhamdulillah..kau gerakkan hati dan langkahku utk berpeluang mndengar talk yg kedua. Alhamdulillah oh tuhan.. mlm itu aku dpt sesuatu yg sgt..sgt2 menyentuh hati. Beberapa kata2 yg zupp masuk dlm hati.
Oh tuhan..Kau spt tahu apa yg aku alami, oh Tuhan, terima kasih kerana mengingatkanku, oh terima kasih krn memberiku peluang mengingatiMu. yg paling penting..terima kasih oh Tuhan..kerana menyedarkanku!

To be honest, I was a "dedicated Christian" and a good 'ole boy from Texas. I hated anything and everything about those "Mozlems", just like you are supposed to, here in the West.
One day, I met a real Muslim and I wanted to 'convert' him to Christianity. But I soon learned there is lot more to Islam than I knew. The more that I learned about REAL ISLAM, the more I was surprised at the similarities.

We were told, "They don't believe in God; they worship a black box in the desert; they kiss the ground 5 times a day, - they are hijackers! - Kidnappers! Terroists! Hijackers!

If you are an American Christian - you have to hate them! - All of them! -- So I did!

Many people, Muslim and Non-Muslim alike, ask me the question:

"Chaplain Yusuf, how did you come to Islam?"
Well neighbor, here's my story. . .

Take your time and read a while. You may be surprised and you just might learn something new today --> ISLAM

9 Steps to Purify the Heart
May I suggest to the seeker of truth do the following NINE STEPS to purification of the heart?

  1. Clean - your mind, your heart & soul - remove all prejudices & biases.
  2. Thank God - for what you have - every moment of every day.
  3. Read - a good translation of the meaning of the Holy Quran in a language that they can understand best. (http://islamtomorrow.com/downloads/)
  4. Reflect on the meanings & consider the bounties of your Lord.
  5. Seek - Forgiveness From God & Learn to Forgive others.
  6. Ask - in your heart for Guidance from Above.
  7. Open - your heart and mind.
  8. Continue - to do this up for a few months. And be regular in it.
  9. Avoid - the poison of evil while your heart is opening for the "rebirth of your soul."

Remember: Clean; Thank; Read; Reflect - then:
"Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given thee. Knock, and it shall be opened."
Then: Continue & Avoid

The rest is between you and the Almighty Lord of the Universe. If you truly love Him, then He already Knows it and He will deal with each of us according to our hearts.

For more..


orait.haf to focus on exam...17 and 19 June. muga dimudahkan..Amin.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Ya Allah,Ya Allah,Ya Allah..

aku hanya ada ENGKAU..

perkuatkan hatiku,langkahku..

~~a good start after a long pause eh..

Monday, June 9, 2008


Assalamualaikum Solacesouls..
Ada komik2 ni menarek hati pula.. tak pastila same ada u all dah penah bace kat mane2.. hehe.. sila enlarge (dengan mengeklik gambar itu) utk bacaan lebih jelas. :D

Sila start study muna!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

merah saga

moga lagu ini menaikkan semangat kalian untuk belajar dengan lebih gigih dan bersungguh-sungguh.

apa kaitan? fikir2kan.. ;) hehe..

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bittaufiq wannajah

Assalamualaikum Solacesouls..

Heh.. semacam lupa kita ade blog! huhu.. saye pergi emel pulak.. tapi takpe.. emel lagi best dan rase special sket dak? Hehe.. Anyway.. just want to repost..