Tuesday, December 30, 2008

27 dec 2008

Gaza terus bermandi darah

KEJAM... Ribuan penduduk Gaza berarak mengiringi jenazah kanak-kanak Palestin, Dena Balosha, 4, untuk dikebumikan. Dena dan empat ahli keluarganya terbunuh dalam serangan terbaru tentera Israel, semalam.

BANDAR GAZA 29 Dis. – Jet-jet pejuang Israel mengebom kedudukan Hamas di Genting Gaza buat hari ketiga berturut-turut hari ini menyebabkan tujuh orang terbunuh, termasuk kanak-kanak.

Antara mangsa yang terkorban awal hari ini ialah empat kanak-kanak perempuan berusia antara setahun hingga 12 tahun daripada sebuah keluarga.

berita seterusnya...


Israel in 'all-out war' with Hamas

At least 51 Palestinian civilians have been killed in Israeli air raids, the UN says [Reuters]

Israel's military is in an "all-out war" with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Ehud Barak, the defence minister, says.

Palestinian medical sources say at least 345 Gazans have been killed and another 1,450 wounded in three consecutive days of Israeli bombardment in the heavily-populated territory.

"We have nothing against Gaza residents, but we are engaged in an all-out war against Hamas and its proxies," Barak said on Monday.

There were also growing fears that a ground offensive was being planned after Israel declared a "closed military zone" around the Gaza Strip

read more at : http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2008/12/2008122994140674153.html

The people in Gaza are living a humanitarian catastrophe, as every minute more

innocents die. They are in desperate need of medical supplies, and there are not enough hospitals available to assist all the victims.

Things u could do to help....

1. Makes du'a to our brothers and sisters.
2. Donate!!!!!. You can donate online through HumanAppeal International..or else Bank in to Amal Palestin Berhad 562263010787 - Maybank. visit --> http://www.palestinkini.info/
3. Tell ur friends about this. Spread the awareness..
4. Boycott. visit --> http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.php

Monday, December 29, 2008

tahun baru.

....Juga perlu kita insafi betapa dekatnya Allah dengan kita sehingga ungkapan ini sering meniti di bibir-bibir kita tatkala kita ditimpa musibah.
Manusia hanya akan sedar kehadiran Allah apabila ia menghadapi kesukaran, lantaran itulah manusia mula insaf dan kembali kepada Allah untuk mengharapkan keampunan dan keredhaanNya. Tatkala gembira dan ditimpa nikmat, manusia mula alpa dan cuai menjaga diri dari kemungkaran.

Kejayaan seseorang Muslim bergantung kepada kekerapannya melakukan Muhasabah diri; memeriksa kesalahan-kesalahan dan memperbaiki kekurangan diri. Semoga dengan itu seorang Muslim tidak akan masuk ke dalam lubang kesalahan yang sama dua kali atau berkali-kali.

read more..... http://famsymalaysia.com/v2/?p=110

Saturday, December 27, 2008

summer 2008


hari ini 27 dec 2008.
semalam 26 dec 2008 - boxing day
semalam lagi 25 dec 208 - christmas
semalam dan semalam semalam semalam...semalam yg telah berlalu - hari-hari 2008

2 tahun sudah meluangkan masa di musim panas di Melbourne, sedang pelajar lain sibuk dan tak sabar benar menanti summer tuk pulang Malaysia. Kalau ikutkan hati sekarang ni, nak je postpone tiket ke next june 2009..tanak blk summer..dah jumpa mak abah pun haritu..uhu tetapi..abangku sudah bising..haisy. ye ye..angah balik..

2 tahun...
dlm 2 tahun..mcm2 perubahan rasa. dah dewasa pun...bukan budak2 kecik lagi. dah besar buatler cara org besar. dah besar takkanlah nk manja2 ngada2, suruh buat keje sikit taknak, suruh itu tak boleh ini tak boleh.. come on lah intan u dah besar tau. u are going to be house manager...soon.
last week ke adelaide... dgr cerita kakak2..dgr nasihat ibu2.. dgr pengalaman org berpengalaman.. semua ini..membuatkan sy menyimpul satu kesimpulan sahaja.. PLAN & MANAGE ur life. prioritize the priority.. It is all about choices. nak buat A ke B. nk ikut C ke D. nk pilih X ke Y. It is all about choices...

sebagaimana Allah bersumpah dgn alam, dlm surah As-Syams. Demi matahari, Demi bulan, Demi siang, Demi malam, Demi langit, Demi bumi, Demi jiwa... then ayat seterusnya, Allah cakap.. Allah mengilhamkan jalan kejahatan dan jalan menuju ketaqwaan. Sesungguhnya, telah mendapat kemenanganlah org yg membersihkannya (drpd segala dosanya) dan sesungguhnya mendapat kerugianlah org yg mengotorinya (dgn maksiat).

Setelas bersumpah dgn banyak2 benda, ayat seterusnya Allah nk ckp tentang pilihan.

Contoh lah kan.. kalau seseorang tu bersumpah, pasti sesuatu yg disumpahkannya itu sesuatu yg penting..sesuatu yg benar-benar dia nak tegaskan. Contoh, kalau orang A dituduh mencuri, walhal sebenarnya dia tak mencuri, bersungguh-sungguh dia akan nafikan juga tuduhan orang2 yg menuduh dia kan.. Mungkin dia akan sampai ke tahap bersumpah... " Demi Allah, aku tak mencuri! Demi Allah, bukan aku yg buat". Demi something, dot dot dot... faham tak.. 'something' yg disumpahkan itu pastilah something yg betul2 bernilai, something yg betul2 tinggi kedudukannya sampai layak jadi bahan sandaran. Dan perkara yg datang selepasnya pasti juga sesuatu yg betul2 nk ditegaskan. yg betul2 pentinglah.

Dalam kes org A tu, dia bermati-matian nk pertahankan dia tak bersalah..sampai dia bersumpah dgn nama Allah. Allah, sesuatu yg sangat tinggi kedudukannya kan..mungkin org yg dgr itu akan berkata 'takkanlah dia nk menipu bila bersumpah dgn Allah.' tp dalam surah As Syams ni, Allah sendiri bersumpah dgn ciptaannya yg besar nilainya. Demi matahari, demi bulan, demi demi demi.... Aku mengilhamkan jalan kejahatan dan jalan ketaqwaan.. Nampak tak penegasan kat situ? Betapa Allah nk tegaskan Allah telah memberi pilihan kpd hamba-hambanya. Then Allah sambung lagi ayat seterusnya.. Dan beruntunglah org yg menyucikan dirinya (dgn memilih jalan ketaqwaan)...Dan rugilah org yg mengotorinya (yg memilih jln kejahatan).

again...life is all about choices.. it is up to u..which way u would choose.

lailahaillallah....Tiada ilah selain Allah..
If u truly understand that life is all for Allah..u will know that u actually dont have the choice to choose except to serve Allah solely.

When u realize..i mean really2 realize the reality of ummah nowadays..the corruptions in the world.. hilang nilai moraliti, penipuan dan experimentasi sistem- sistem kapitalis dan komunis yg didasarkan pd satu dasar yg goyah dan rapuh. bilamana pengabdian manusia kpd manusia berleluasa sedang pengabdian kpd Allah semata hilang. Manusia tunduk pd sistem2 dunia ciptaan manusia..bukan pd sistem Allah.
Bilamana hak Allah, undang2 Allah dicabut haknya di bumi ini..
dan bila kamu ingin mengembalikannya kembali..jgn gopoh. Ada jalannya. Jalan yg susah berliku serta panjang.. jalan yg memerlukan KETAATAN TOTAL....

huhu...ketaatan total..
u hv to sacrifice ur own desires, own feelings. its difficult. very.
Laquwwataillabillah... O god, gv us strength
dr sini, dtg mujahadah.

Sepanjang summer..

1. Majlis graduasi Engineering and Biotecnology.

Di Wilson Hall, University of Melbourne

Ni Majlis graduasi di University of Adelaide..(beratur di luar..oh teringat graduasi maktab)

2. Giant Playground, Adelaide. (dh besar pun nak main2..ish =p)

yeay..laju-laju..buaiku laju.

3. Crabbing.

dapat ketam kecil..takleh mkn..kena pulangkan balik ke laut..uhu. tak dapat ketam besar.. tak merasa makan ketam pun kitorang... sob sob..

sekian buat kini.

Thursday, December 18, 2008



Since the past few months I am in Russia I am glad to say that I have change a lot and I learnt a lot of things that I have missed during my past. I was not aware of the things around me that had drown me to the dreadful life before. Here, all the sisters took care of me I mean as in, they lead me to the right way..They didn’t force me to wear ‘HIJAB’ a.k.a tudung but they guide me to be a better person. They open up my heart and always reminded me that Allah has always knock our heart and tried to change us,but in the end everything is based on our ownself and belief. Everything starts from our own aqidah which leads to our iman.

We have usrah almost everyweek, tadabbur al-Quran, tazkirah and in fact ceramah. I am glad I was delighted to join. Not to say that during my school days I didn’t attend these kind of event. But it doesn’t seems to work for me because maybe I just don’t understand the true meaning of aqidah, iman and my beautiful Islam. Or maybe I was the one who didn’t even seems to care at all. Honestly,during my jahiliyah days in fact I still live with some of it now,i am not embarrassed to admit that because I am aware of it. I guess I was just holding the title islam in my IC n my name as a muslim which I don’t think I truly understand about it entirely. I pray 5 times in a day but I guess I don’t really go through and understand about it. Why do we have to pray? Ask yourself…

I keep on realizing that the things that I did in the past didn’t bring any benefits to me at all.. I dress up gorgeously outside,couple,holding hands and so on. What benefit do I got there? None? And for who am I dressing up for? The people out there is not even my husband and as a muslim,we all do know, "wanita solehah is meant for suami yang soleh" and what we have is only meant to be seen by our husband. We are too precious to be sold n to be shown too. This world is not my eternity. I have another world I have to go through. The world after the death of all slavers of Allah ,the day of JUDGEMENT..Kiamat..That is the world of eternity which meant I’m gonna be there forever. All my deeds will be counted to enable me to enter the precious Heaven or the burning hell.

But why in the world now people are all running for money,running for hot girls,running for position? Running to be the HOTTEST girl in town? But why none of us running for Allah? Why didn’t we search for Him? He is our Creator our lover,our God?? The question is WHY?? When I realize this I felt that how awful and how disgraced I was towards my religion. How terrible had I acted as a muslim. How I just realize that now. I’m beginning to question myself so many times. But everything needs changes right? I mean from bad to good ,to something good to even better.

Hey, I do know changes is the hardest thing to do in each and everyone of us because changes needs courage. That’s what I’m lack of now. I really need some support cause I’m not strong enough to pull myself to go through all this. This time I just noticed that it’s the people you mingle with will give a big impact to your life . Syukur alhamdulillah Allah had fated me to be with all the people who really loves and cares for me.

But that doesn’t mean we have to left or ignored our brothers or sisters who are still ‘blind’ about islam. I assume everyone knows that Islam teaches us not to left even one of our FAMILY members behind in what ever condition or situation it is. When I’m mentioning the word ‘family’ it means not only our ‘pure-blooded’ family, but our muslims brothers n sisters in the whole wide world. So you see, what I’m trying to stress out here is, when you see a muslim or someone that you know that pretty well, looks totally lost or drown to their own world. Just take a step and approach them,they need your help to guide them . Pull them together with you since all of us are depending on the same ‘rope’ which leads to Allah s.w.t.

I’ve been in this position before and I was one of them who’d lost the way,my heart was totally empty and rotten. Emptiness inside me was never been filled before until the day I was guided by the people here. Everyone who had made sins in the past doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a second chance. And doesn’t mean they deserve to be left out. Here, I’m shouting out to the people who are just like me,to make them realize that they can still change to be somebody better, although changes needs time but remember time doesn’t wait.

Come and pond a long brothers and sisters,what are we doing staring at the ceiling just thinking about our future? What if we died now? A few minutes later? Or tomorrow? We just don’t know we are able to live longer or not. When we think about our future,at the same time, think about our deeds. Is it enough for us to enter the extremely gorgeous and magnificent heaven? Think of it. It's still not to late to change. Hopefully all of us would be in the crowd who are blessed and be loved by al-mighty Allah s.wt. InsyaAllah..

written by someone..taken from iluvislam.com.

Thursday, December 11, 2008



Sekarang cuti..blog ni pun mcm cuti..ehe
Pemberitahuan kawan2..sy dah upgrade phone.hehe.. (mar, doh upgrade doh..- sbb mar tak sabar2 nk sy upgrade) Dalam rumah ni, sy paling lambat sekali upgrade..saje je nk uprade bulan 12..supaya senang habis kontrak nt pun bulan 12.. Selain itu, tiada hp yg menarik di pasaran..semua yg touch screen, htc, tak maw lah.

Akhirnya ku berpisah juga dgn hp lama ku itu..oh hampir 2 tahun kita bersama.. maafkanku..sesuatu yg lebih baik dtg menjelma..namun pasti tidak akan kulupakan kamu..hehe..

nk hp warna putih..takde pula..pilihan yg diberi biru atau kelabu.. cuba teka sy pilih yg mana?
hp lamaku......

hp baru...yeye finally.. =) [tp takde warna putih.. =( uhu..]

hurm..percutian dgn mak abah haritu..alhamdulillah berjalan lancar. penginapan di cs alhamdulillah tidak dikesan oleh pihak atasan.. lakonan mantap yg berjaya.. heh.
kesian mak..tak tahan sejuk..ni sekarang ni awal2 summer..belum panas sgt..lagi pula melbourne lokasi bawah..sejuk ckit. kalau sydney tu dah macam Malaysia dah.
tp alhamdulillah tak sakit apa2..pening2 hampir nk demam je.

Hari pertama... College Square

Hari kedua .. Shrine of Remembrance

Hari ketiga ... Philip Island

Di hadapan rumahku... Pelham.. =)

sydney - Opera House pd waktu mlm.

2nd last day.. Great Ocean Road

dah lah tu.... =) sekian.