Tuesday, December 30, 2008

27 dec 2008

Gaza terus bermandi darah

KEJAM... Ribuan penduduk Gaza berarak mengiringi jenazah kanak-kanak Palestin, Dena Balosha, 4, untuk dikebumikan. Dena dan empat ahli keluarganya terbunuh dalam serangan terbaru tentera Israel, semalam.

BANDAR GAZA 29 Dis. – Jet-jet pejuang Israel mengebom kedudukan Hamas di Genting Gaza buat hari ketiga berturut-turut hari ini menyebabkan tujuh orang terbunuh, termasuk kanak-kanak.

Antara mangsa yang terkorban awal hari ini ialah empat kanak-kanak perempuan berusia antara setahun hingga 12 tahun daripada sebuah keluarga.

berita seterusnya...


Israel in 'all-out war' with Hamas

At least 51 Palestinian civilians have been killed in Israeli air raids, the UN says [Reuters]

Israel's military is in an "all-out war" with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Ehud Barak, the defence minister, says.

Palestinian medical sources say at least 345 Gazans have been killed and another 1,450 wounded in three consecutive days of Israeli bombardment in the heavily-populated territory.

"We have nothing against Gaza residents, but we are engaged in an all-out war against Hamas and its proxies," Barak said on Monday.

There were also growing fears that a ground offensive was being planned after Israel declared a "closed military zone" around the Gaza Strip

read more at : http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2008/12/2008122994140674153.html

The people in Gaza are living a humanitarian catastrophe, as every minute more

innocents die. They are in desperate need of medical supplies, and there are not enough hospitals available to assist all the victims.

Things u could do to help....

1. Makes du'a to our brothers and sisters.
2. Donate!!!!!. You can donate online through HumanAppeal International..or else Bank in to Amal Palestin Berhad 562263010787 - Maybank. visit --> http://www.palestinkini.info/
3. Tell ur friends about this. Spread the awareness..
4. Boycott. visit --> http://www.inminds.co.uk/boycott-israel.php


Anonymous said...

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam pernah bersabda: “Darah umat Muslim lebih berharga dibanding Ka’abah dan sekitarnya.” Namun hari ini darah umat kembali tumpah membasahi bumi Palestine, Iraq dan Afghanistan tanpa satu pun pembalasan. Kerana begitu murah nyawa kaum muslim di mata musuh Allah.

biskut marie said...

to pencari: sorry i've deleted ur comment. pls dont do it again.