Friday, January 1, 2010


"the imam told us that the arabic word used to describe spouse is 'zauj' and it lexically implies one of the pair as in - like say gloves - there is always a left and a right. different: the left is not the same as the right, but when paired - it will be more useful.

Marriage will reveal one's true colours-like that imperfection on the body- but may the faith in Him keep our hearts strong to continue stitching and embroidering beautiful words and acts despite circumstances.

Marriage will reveal our differences.
our taste in clothes or food, or even the way we use our time - everything that our spouses do will affect us.
the garment he/she may be stitching for us may not be to our preference, hence, may Allah give the ability to be true to each other such such to taylor garments according to both sides' liking..

(2:187) they are garments for you and you are garments for them =)

To our dearest Mardhiyyah.... barakallah...
aseef tak dapat hadir majlis...i dah start placement...
doa mengiringi..insyaAllah...
doakan kami2 juga ya Mar. ;)

luv u miss u.... =)
rindu Mar bg tazkirah lepas magrib...hehe..

1 comment:

Mardhiyyah Mohd Pauzi,24,female said...

ya allah cik in.
terharu sgt..

rindu semua..rindu..hanya allah yg tau..