Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hurm..tiba2...jumpa artikel ni ttg puasa...
ditulis oleh seorang non-muslim..
moga dijadikan iktibar.
Salam Ramadhan.

Ramadan is a religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, believed to be the month in which the Holy Quran began to be revealed.Ramadan is the Islamic month of fasting, in which Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink anything from dawn until sunset. Fasting is meant to teach the person patience and humility. Ramadan is a time to fast for the sake of God, and to offer even more prayer than usual. Also, asking forgiveness for the sins of the past, asking for guidance in the future, and asking for help with refraining from every day evils and try to purify oneself through self-restraint and good deeds is involved in Ramadan.

However, in Malaysia, the month itself has been tainted with the extreme gluttony during the entire month of fasting. Not sure what I’m talking about? Well, I don’t mean to sound racist but the gluttony among most Muslims in Malaysia can be seen in the Ramadan Bazaar. A few hours before breaking fast, a lot of people will stampede the bazaar in order to buy loads of food for the breaking fast. Sometimes you can see a man buying food in the bazaar as if he’s rationing for the war, which I find pretty ridiculous, because they are supposed to fast for the sake of God and practice moderation in the daily lives, especially during the fasting month.

But I think moderation doesn’t come in a package with some Muslims in Malaysia, as some even go for feasts or breaking fasts buffet in expensive hotels. I know that there are a lot of people who fast during the day and yet they indulge with food during the night, and I am not sure what the learn from their fasting. Probably just hunger, and not other things that’s supposed to enrich their soul with the benefit of fasting.Fasting is actually good, according to medical studies, as it helps the digestive system to rest and for the body to detox, but I’m not so sure how many of Malaysian Muslim actually benefited from fasting as all I can see through my own observation is the practice of gluttony and impatience as an added bonus during the entire month.It’s funny to note every year that even though the Ramadan month haven’t even reach the third day yet, Eid sales as well as songs is already in the air. Honestly, I’m not sure what to make of that, but, I’d like to give some tips to the non- Muslim on how to cope with the Ramadan and take advantage of the Malaysian culture during the entire month.

hurm...betul kan?

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