Monday, December 24, 2007

The reunion

Salam Insyirah-ians sekalian..

Just feel like sharing..

Semalam my school batch buat mini reunion la.. just for the girls. Seronok sangat-sangat jumpa kawan-kawan lama.. bila jumpa balik, rasa macam sebenarnya, macam tak lama sgt berpisah.. macam tak lama sgt berlalu since the last time we met.. semua masih sama, mereka adalah mereka yang sy kenal dulu... they're my friends..

Memula we did some short 'catching-up' session.. semua kat mana, n perkembangan akademik la kirenye... n yang tak tahannye, mesti ada soalan 'status' at the end.. huhu. Semua tak sabar nak tunggu sape lah yang first akan memecahkan rekod our batch. Status yours truly of course lah "BUSY".. heh..

Lepas ade game ringkas2, ade sesi tazkirah.. n yours truly telah dipertanggungjwbkan la kirenye.. huhu.. memula I've prepared a topic berkaitan hati dan jiwa lah kan.. tapi when I was sitting in front of all of them, staring at their faces.. hati meronta-ronta nak share.. share whatever that happened to me sepanjang 10 months yang lepas.. my spiritual and emotional journey... because while looking at their faces one by one.. I realized that these are the people who know, understand and share the same history.... and have the same questions that I had.. have the same dilemma that I had.. have the same level of understanding at least... because we have gone through the same 'life' dgn ratio yg banyak berbanding life when we are separated.

Anyway, I have bore them with my focus-less story. I just felt like talking and talking. Jumped to one point to another. Feel like telling them everything. I just want them to feel what I have felt. And tergerak utk 'bergerak'. It pains me when I heard so many stories about some of them. From others, and from the people themselves. The confessions, the problems, the life...

I dread the fact that I couldn't convey my 'story' effectively. (You all pun tau how I am kan.. huhu).But I hope they can get something, one thing at least! anything! (yg positive of course). And I concluded the so-called-talk with this ayat:

(Al-Maidah 5:34) Wahai orang2 yang beriman, bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan carilah wasilah (jalan) untuk mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya, dan berjihadlah (berjuanglah) di jalan-Nya agar kamu beruntung....

Applicable to all of us too.. teringat talk by Kak Muri, cari sebab utk Allah bg hidayah kat kite.. and MUJAHADAH... because in the end, semuanya utk kebaikan kita juga...

Missing all of you terribly..

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